Thursday, February 3, 2022

How To Choose The Best Air Purifier In Singapore?

 With the increased pollution levels, fresh air has become non-existent. People have realized the importance of investing in the best Air Purifier Singapore to seek respite from breathing toxic air. Air purifiers have become necessity for indoor spaces with increased pollution and allergens present in the air. 

A good air purifier can control air quality by getting rid of allergens, dust, pollens, pet hair, and other pollutants invisible to the naked eye. However, choosing the best air purifier can be challenging. Here are certain tips to follow when choosing a good air purifier in Singapore.

1.        Levels and types of filters: Before choosing an air purifier it is important to know the levels of filters. CUCKOO the best air purifier in Singapore has robust levels of filtration system that removes allergens, activated carbon, smoke, chemicals, harmful germs and bacteria ensuring you breathe pure and fresh air.


2.        CADR ratings: CADR rating is the measure of delivery of purified air by an air purifier at its maximum speed. This rating is important for both air flow and particle removal efficiency. CUCKOO air purifier has higher CADR as higher the CADR, higher will be the efficiency of the air purifier for a given room size.


3.        Customer service and warranty: Make sure the after sale service and customer support of the product is sound so that any issues can be resolved quickly and easily. Also, air purifier is a big investment for your home so ensure you have long warranty on the product to protect you from manufacturing and other issues.


4.        Power consumption and noise: Look for the air purifier that requires less power consumption and produces no noise while functioning. An air purifier that produces noise can be concern for kids, pets, and older people.


5.        Cost: Next thing to consider when buying an air purifier for your home is the cost. Look for the purifier that fulfils your needs and fits your budget.


CUCKOO air purifiers are engineered with cutting-edge standards and are capable of capturing more than 99.97% of air particulates- a significant amount of unwanted particles being filtered out in your homes.

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