Thursday, October 6, 2022

Breathe Fresh Air With CUCKOO Air Purifiers!

An air purifier is a device that removes contaminants and impurities from the air in a room to improve indoor air quality.

Importance of having a CUCKOO air purifier in your home

Due to the increasing amount of contaminants and impurities in the air, using a HEPA Air Purifier in Singapore reduces the pollution you breathe in. An air purifier with a HEPA filter can remove 99.9% of the pollutants - viruses, allergens, and PM2.5- linked to all kinds of diseases from the air.

Health benefits of CUCKOO air purifier


1.        Decreases diabetes risk: There is a strong correlation between PM2.5 and increased diabetes risk. As per the research, delicate particulate matter can lead to type 2 diabetes mellitus or make diabetes more susceptible to other health complications. Lowering your PM2.5 intake through HEPA air purifiers can drastically reduce your odds of getting diabetes.


2.        Lowers blood pressure: Breathing less air pollution can help significantly lower blood pressure. Per the research, CUCKOO air purifiers reduced PM2.5 and helped to lower blood pressure. 


3.        Increases productivity: The problem of air pollution does not stop at home; it extends to workplaces as well. As per the research, poor office air quality degrades an employee’s cognitive abilities, work efficiency, and productivity. Reducing the air pollution in the office using the powerful CUCKOO air purifiers can boost the productivity of your workforce and reduce sick days.


4.        Alleviates asthma symptoms: HEPA filters remove nearly all the allergens from the air, including pollen, dust mites, mold, and more. Air purifiers help reduce asthma symptoms. 


5.        Reduces the risk of catching viruses: CUCKOO air purifiers are engineered to remove airborne viruses and reduce your risk of catching a virus. Research showed that CUCKOO purifiers reduced covid-19 virus spread in schools by 14%.


6.        Decrease the inflammation within 24 hours: The best air purifiers help reduce various inflammation markers in your body. The reduced inflammation from the air purifiers can be witnessed within 48 hours.

Wrap up

Choosing the best air purifier can be complicated. Choose the one capable of removing 99.9% airborne particles and allergens. CUCKOO air purifiers go beyond standards to provide a healthy space to live and breathe.

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