Friday, May 6, 2022

Know The Benefits Of Alkaline Water.

Drinking the right amount of water every day is extremely important as it helps our body thrive and keep illness at bay. An adequate intake of water daily ensures the proper functioning of all the process that is taking place in our body and this allows us to lead a normal fit life. 

However now main concern is whether only purifier water from Best Water Purifier Price is enough? Or do we need something extra in our water to keep ourselves more fit. The answer lies in the fact that nowadays the best kind of water one could drink to boost the overall well-being is alkaline water.

The best Alkaline water filter Singapore dispenses mild alkaline water that is good for health. The main parameter that needs to be understood is the pH of water. pH is a scale that is used to determine whether water based solution are acidic, alkaline or neutral. 

If the pH solution is less than 7 it is termed as alkaline or basic and if the ph solution is equal to 7 it means the solution is neutral and if it is more than 7 it is termed as alkaline. 

Alkaline water is the water that has a pH value more than 7. Water is neutral in nature and so it should have a pH value equal to 7. However based on source, water becomes either slightly acidic or alkaline. The most common way to obtain alkaline water is to install a specialized water purifier catering to this need.

Here are the health benefits of alkaline water 

1.    Alkaline water has better hydration capacity than the normal water because the molecules of alkaline water are comparatively small and get readily absorbed from the body.

2.    Alkaline water promotes detoxification because it flushes out toxins from the body caused by anxiety, stress and unhealthy diet.

3.    Alkaline water consists of calcium and magnesium the two essential minerals     that help in maintaining bone and heart health

4.    Antioxidants present in the alkaline water delays the aging process by preventing the growth of free radicals that damage the body cells

5.    Alkaline water boosts the metabolism.

6.    The water neutralizes the lactic acid produced in our bodies after extensive exercise and fitness regime.

This makes alkaline water more effective than normal drinking water. The CUCKOO water purifier is specially designed to dispense alkaline water.

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